The 5 Most Common Entrepreneurial Pitfalls and How to Deal with Them


As a remote based entrepreneur there are many very real pitfalls that we all fall into.  For some, we are able to get back up on our horse and keep riding.  For others, these entrepreneurial  pitfalls keep you from moving forward or worse, cause you to fail at your dreams of running your own business.  

If you are like most of the world, at some point you have found yourself in a rut where it feels like you are stuck and just cannot find your way out.  Don’t worry, this is completely normal.  

Some of the most common entrepreneurial pitfalls most new digital nomads and entrepreneurs face in their businesses are…..

Entrepreneurial Pitfall #5   Getting Stuck in the Weeds

Also commonly known as overthinking.  We ALL do this as entrepreneurs. Not only does this keep us stuck but it can be almost paralyzing when you don’t know how to get past it.

Entrepreneurial Pitfall # 4  Not Understanding Who You are Serving

When many entrepreneurs first start out, they get it in their head that their business is about them. But you know what, no one really cares about you. They care about themselves and how you can help them.  When you talk in your voice rather than that of your customer, you not attracting the right people. If you are lucky enough to find them you are driving them away.  Getting clear about who your customers are is going to be key in this. 

Entrepreneurial Pitfall # 3 Getting Overwhelmed and Not Knowing How to Deal

There isn’t one right way to deal with the entrepreneurial overwhelm but two of the most common ways that most new entrepreneurs deal is by pushing themselves to keep going or giving up completely.  These solutions are far from the right answer. But, if you don’t understand how to take care of yourself and how to be clear on your offer as well as the needs of your customers, you will never get there.

Entrepreneurial Pitfall # 2 Understanding Your Non Negotiables

This is tied pretty closely to #3 because not knowing your non-negotiables is going to quickly drive you into overwhelm and may drive you out of your business. Some common non-negotiables for remote based entrepreneurs are things like freedom of time, working with like minded people, working with people who are committed to change and growth, etc. These are different for everyone which is why exercises such as meditation and visualization are going to be important to figuring out what they are for you.

Entrepreneurial Pitfall # 1  Failing to Get Help

The number one most common pitfall that entrepreneurs face is failing to get help.  This comes in different forms but it is most often something that comes at a cost. You are probably trying to save money or tell yourself you can’t afford to get a coach or a VA or a copywriter, etc. But the truth is, you can’t afford not to get help.  Your best friend is great and all but when it comes down to it, they have no accountability to actually help you. 

There are the rare occasions when someone truly wants to help, often in exchange for hands on experience or sometime equity in your business. Usually, if you want help with your business you need to pay to keep someone on the hook.   For those that are starting out, a business coach is often the best place to start.  They will help you to understand the processes you need to complete in order to be successful so that when you do go out and hire that VA or digital marketing agency to help you that you can be very clear about what you need and from who.

How to Deal

So now that you know the most common entrepreneurial pitfalls you are left asking yourself….ok, how do I deal with them, right?  Not to worry, we’ve got you covered.  Some of the solutions below will work for all pitfalls. Some may be specific to 1 or 2, but in order to know which ones will work for you it is time to start using them in your day to day life.


Many entrepreneurs don’t see the benefits of meditation  and frankly, it makes many uncomfortable to just sit in silence for that long. 

According to the American Psychological Association, mindfulness meditation can help to reduce rumination, aka getting suck in the weeds (a motivation killer for entrepreneurs!), boost focus and working memory, among other things.  

Not sure How to Get Started? Find a meditation app, guided meditation, audiobook, etc. Apps such as Headspace can be particularly helpful in getting started. 


Visualization can be a powerful tool.  Whether you prefer to create a physical vision board, a Pinterest board or a list of things you desire, it is important that you do something. Visualizing not only the things you want and desire, both in business and personal life is key to success.  You also need to BELIEVE the things you are visualizing are indeed possible for you, if not now, at least someday. If you don’t believe you can make 6 figures per year or if you don’t believe you can get clients – that will become your reality.  That which you believe is your truth, regardless of what it is.

An easy start is coming up with a list of things that you would like to have, also include why you want these things and how you think you will get them.  Don’t be surprised if the way you think your successes will happen isn’t the way they do.  It’s ok, if you are trying and you are visualizing what you want and need, those things will start to come to you. It may even seem that all of a sudden things start to shift and that you are suddenly getting all that you asked for.

If you haven’t read Jen Sincero before, We recommend picking up a copy of her audiobook, You are a Badass at Making Money.  

Be Grateful

While  the concept is familiar to most of us, the magnitude of the impact it plays in our lives is often overlooked. 

Expressing gratitude not only improves overall mental health but it will also help you to improve relationships (personal and business) and to ignite growth in your life and in your business.  When you truly appreciate what you have, who is in your life and all that there is to be grateful for in this world, little worries start to melt away and  you begin to attract good things into your life. 

Every entrepreneur has their own rituals but a great place to begin is to remind yourself first thing in the morning of at least 3-5 things you are grateful for. Some people like to write these down, others like to say them silently in their head and others like to say them out loud – however you do it, as long as you are doing it, you will start to feel the benefit. 

You may think this sounds crazy but do us a favor, try it for 30 days and at the end of the 30 days reflect on how it has impacted your life.   

Find an Accountability Partner or Coach

You may have an amazingly supportive spouse or really great friends but often, those closest to us are the ones that hold us back the most. On top of that, they probably don’t have much stake in the game.   Finding a mentor or accountability partner is the first place to start.  Some are lucky enough to find this for free but it is a rarity and even when they do find this, the level of commitment isn’t always what we would hope.  

This is where paid help such as coaches or mastermind groups come into play.   There are literally coaches for just about everything you can imagine. Life coaches often niche down into very specific areas such as life transitions, business coaching, relationship coaching, personal branding, etc. 

Not sure which route is best for you? Book a call and we can chat about what option is best for you. 

Just do it

Ultimately, this is the most important thing. Just start the website, write the blog, take the course, write the copy, create your product, etc. Things can always be changed, improved and updated so ruminating and perfecting will do nothing but keep you in the funnel of overwhelm.  Little things like the perfect logo or the perfect mission statement are unimportant in the big picture.

The best thing you can do for your confidence and your business is to keep things moving forward.  Give your confidence a boost and keep things in motion. 

So, in the words of Nike, Just Do It!

Need more guidance? Shoot us a message at or on Instagram.

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