Keeping your energy in top shape as a remote business owner or nomad is an important part of maintaining balance, remaining happy and building a business that is sustainable.I’ve always been the adventurous type and ready to explore new places. There is so much to see and experience in this world. I used to be an au pair just so I could travel around the world and get paid for it!!! Woo-hoo!
When I met my partner, who is German, I moved to Germany permanently to settle down with him. Well – now I don’t travel all over the world, but I travel between different cities on a weekly basis. I find traveling a lot, be it to different countries or different cities, can take its toll on our energies.
Beyond the obvious like, time zone differences, having to pack and unpack everything again and again, there are the subtle things like the loss of focus, over-excitement to see the sights in new places, re-orientating yourself where to go shopping and then realizing – oh yes I still have a business to run, with clients to look after.
How can we make this transistion easier for ourselves?
These are my top 5 tips for creating a more energized, focused and aligned experience in your business whilst traveling:
(After each section, there is a journal prompt to explore each topic a little deeper for yourself.)
1. Create a solid morning and evening routine and stick to it!
(For more ideas about this, look at point 5:)
Having a strong morning and evening routine helps your body to reset quicker into the new environment. It doesn’t have to be a long routine if you feel you don’t have the time. Short but consistent is also powerful. The external has changed, but the internal routine has remained the same. This grounds you back into yourself and gets your brain and body on board for the rest of the day. Your external environment doesn’t dictate your day, you do – from a place of centeredness.
Journal Prompt: What is my optimum travel morning and evening routine, which would help me feel centered?

2. Allocate Time for Pleasure and Work
I have consciously put pleasure first – because why not, right? Allowing yourself to experience pleasure and giving yourself permission to do this first is beneficial on so many levels. You practice the art of receiving more abundance in your life. You let go of any false beliefs that you are not worthy of pleasure. By filling your cup first, you can give more graciously. Can you imagine the benefits this has for your business? Unblocking stuck energy around receiving and giving freely. This could be a powerful journal exercise.
Also, find the opportunities where you can combine pleasure and work. Go to that cozy coffee shop you discovered and work from there. Or maybe you found a beautiful spot in nature. No need to be stuck at home when you can be out and about. (If the internet allows, of course).
Journal Prompt: If I allowed myself to receive freely from a place of worthiness, how would that change the way I show up in my business?
3. Go beyond the bucket list.
Bucket lists are strange things. They can sometimes become compulsive and we can overdo the ‘bucket list rush’. This is when seeing the extraordinary is more important than your wellbeing. You are successful and will visit the site again if it doesn’t work out this time round. Don’t stay in a lack mentality. Know that you have an abundance of time and money and will come again. Savor the moments. Don’t rush them.

Give yourself some space to enjoy the new air. Feel the new energy in your environment. Connect with yourself. How do you feel here? Where are you intuitively being led? By being open to the present moment and being alive to what is in your experience right now could bring in new opportunities for your business. Maybe you meet your next client on the beach or have a fabulous idea for your next program based on something you saw and never thought about before.
Journal Prompt: Where can I slow down and savor the immediate moment and turn my bucket list into a really WOW experience?
4. Explore with Mindful Awareness.
Mindful awareness will slow time down and you will have so many more opportunities to connect to your being. How often do you hear that someone discovered a treasure at a local restaurant or whilst taking a stroll through the woods? Where are your well-springs of strength, calm and inspiration in the new country? Are you in nature? Is there a favorite cafe?
As you become more mindful of your explorations, you will practice mindfulness, and this spills over into all other areas of your life. And what a great way to practice mindful awareness – doing the thing you love. TRAVELING!
Journal Prompt: How can I practice more mindfulness as I work and travel?
5. Practice Qigong (My favorite:)
What is Qigong?
Qigong is an ancient eastern movement practice. A powerful movement practice – THAT YOU CAN DO ANYWHERE AND EVEN IN THE SMALLEST OF SPACES. Out in nature is my favorite spot. But I often do it in the kitchen. When you watch people do qigong, it may appear they are not doing much. That’s because they are opening up the energy pathways in their body and creating powerful change from the inside out. The word qigong comprises 2 words: “qi” (pronounced: chi) meaning energy/breath and “gong” meaning skillful work. So you are skillfully working and transforming your energy from stress to vitality, from stagnant to flowing. Qigong is 1) a workout, 2) a stretch practice, and 3) a moving meditation.
There are many benefits from a regular qigong practice. I have mentioned the obvious one above: less stress, more energy. It increases vitality. It impacts your health positively. The energy flow in your body is being cultivated. Like tending to a garden. You sow the seeds and water them. The plants get nourished by the sunlight. And things start to grow and flourish. In the same way, as you tend to your energetic garden, you flourish. You feel more joy, calm, and flow in all areas of your life.
Yes, including your business! You are more focused. (Your ability to focus is directly linked to flow. The more you can sustain deeper focus, the easier it is to find flow). You have more clarity. You open up to more abundance. First internally, then also outside of yourself. You relax more in the face of uncertainty because you trust yourself. This change happens subtly, over time, as you cultivate a healthier energy flow in your body.
Journal prompt: How would having more energy, calm and focus benefit my life? Relationships? Business? Travels?

Incorporating Qigong in your life
A great way to add qigong to your life is by adding it to your morning or evening routine. What a great way to start or end the day. And all you need to get started is 7 minutes. With 7 minutes a day you can create a change. If you’re curious and want to know more about qigong, check out this video for an example of a morning routine to get you started, and over here to get started on your evening routine.
When energy flows freely, things in our life (and our travels!) also move more freely. When our energy is blocked, it presents itself in so many negative ways. By following the tips above, you will start to open up your channels for your energy to flow more freely and when you add the practice of Qigong, you will not only connect more with body and soul but you will also increase positive results and experiences in your business, your life and your travels.
For more tips on energy inspiration, follow me on Instagram.